
  • Hamdiyah Hamdiyah STIS AL HILAL SIGLI, ACEH



Utilization, Ghanimah, Islamic Law


This research is entitled "Utilization of Ghanimah's Assets
According to Islamic Law," in order to examine three issues, namely
the utilization of the Ghanimah property according to its types, the use
of Ghanimah on the present and the use of the Ghanimah property
according to Islamic law. The research aims to obtain a clear picture
of the use of the Ghanimah property according to its types, in the
present and according to Islamic law. This research uses descriptive
analysis method. The results of his research were obtained, that the
property was given specifically by priests to members of the
Mujahideen forces to encourage and encourage them to join in the
war, the utilization and management of Fai 'assets, namely the right of
the Prophet, so that he may use them according to his will. The
management of the treasures of Ghanimah means assets taken from
the enemy who fight by force and defeat. The principle of the
distribution of the property of Ghanimah is also based on the principle
of price distribution of Ghanimah, namely the person who gets one
part, while the person riding the horse gets three parts, the provision is
none other than the additional cost for the horse. riding a horse with
his horse, for Allah (the benefit of the Muslims) and his apostles. for
the Apostle's relatives, for orphans, for poor people for Ibn Sabil
(people who were displaced on their way or expelled from their
homes. Whereas 4/5 parts were reserved for soldiers who fought.


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How to Cite

Hamdiyah, H. (2019). PEMANFAATAN HARTA GHANIMAH MENURUT HUKUM ISLAM. Jurnal Tahqiqa : Jurnal Ilmiah Pemikiran Hukum Islam, 13(1), 14–34.


