Catatan Terhadap Praktek Pebuatan Qanun Aceh
Aceh Qanun, DPRA, AcehAbstract
Aceh Qanun an-level regulation Regulation (Regional Regulation) the
formulation mechanism should refer to the Act No. 10, 2004. The preparation of
Aceh qanun formed on the initiative of the executive or provincial parliament (the
People's Consultative Council Aceh) were subsequently passed along between the
Government and the provincial parliament. A rule of law or the regulation level
must have principles which include: Clarity of purpose, institutional or forming
organs proper, the correspondence between the type and substance, can be
implemented, efficient and effective, formulation clarity and openness. To achieve
this purpose the regulation must be made by experts with community
involvement. Community involvement is intended as a form of participation of the
public space in the form of community participation. One form of public
involvement is loading qanun draft in the media to accommodate inputs that
receive input from the community at large.
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