KH. Sahal Mahfudh, Localization of ProstitutionAbstract
Social scientists who study prostitution often use a variety of approaches
various disciplines such as history, sociology, psychological and interdisciplinary
areas of womens studies. Various scientists work produced by a variety of
disciplines that paying attention to the specific motifs of prostitution or a number
of important aspects of the phenomenon as a whole. Pathways identified in
defining the symptoms tend to be partial. KH. Sahal Mahfudh as one of the
scholars offer a solution in tackling the problems of prostitution, one of which is
the centralized location of prostitution. It means that prostitution should be
localized in one place is quite far from the contact local residents. This opinion is
a very bold thinking and contrary to the opinion of the general public who view
prostitution as a disgraceful act and banned religion must be destroyed
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