al-khuruju min al-khilaf, ikhtilaf, istinbathAbstract
Rules of fiqh as an attempt to understand the general principles of fiqh and
provide convenience in applying the laws to the problems faced have been
developed by the jurists. One such principle is the principle of al-khuruju min al- al-khilaf. Some people categorize this as a rule of special rules in the field of
siyasah. However, it appears that the practice of application of this rule fqih
almost penetrated all areas where there are differences of opinion. School leaders
have practiced this method although by leaving the results of their ijtihad. However, this rule can not be applied as such. The application of this rule is
limited to certain conditions. In connection with this issue methods of
transactions, seemingly not be applied strictly, because the field is experiencing a
very special feature supple and flexible.
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