Cash Waqf, Positive Law, ShariaAbstract
This study aims to explore the views of sharia and positive law regarding cash waqf. The results of the study indicate that the issue of waqf in Indonesia is enshrined in Government Regulation number 28 of 1977. While according to sharia there is no verse in the Qur'an that clearly explains the concept of cash waqf. Because waqf is included in the infaq fi sabilillah group, the basis used by scholars in explaining and explaining the concept of waqf is based on the generality of the verses of the Qur'an about infaq. The problems of developing cash waqf in Indonesia can be highlighted in three aspects consisting of human resources, trust, system and sharia. can be done to develop cash waqf in Indonesia. These strategies include transparency and accountability at every stage of implementation, more computerized cash waqf management, improving the quality of more comprehensive managers, and the establishment of waqf educational institutions.
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