



Revitalisasi, Perempuan, Wilayah Publik


This research is to find out the background and problem formulation of
Fatima Mernissi's thoughts, know Fatima Mernissi's views on the position and
role of women, and analyze the conception of Fatima Mernissi with concepts in
Islam. The author uses the method of interpretation to analyze data, and the form
of this study is a Library Research. The data that the authors use in this study is
divided into primary and secondary data. The primary data to be used as a source
of reference is the book of the Position of Women in Islam which is the work and
thoughts of Fatima Mernissi. While the secondary data are books and internet
media related to the topic of discussion. From the research conducted it can be
concluded that Fatima Mernissi is a figure who advocates a re-examination of the
true Islamic concept of the role of women, especially in public life, because
Mernissi found a tendency for patriarchal cultural influences from male ulama in
translating the message of Islam. Fatima Mernissi also voiced the importance of
the struggle of the woman herself is fighting for her life to achieve a better quality
of life without forgetting her nature as a woman. Thus it can be concluded that the
concept obtained is the concept of leadership according to Islam and the analysis
of Fatima Mernissi's thought which is balanced and mutually compatible. Women
are not limited to doctrines that curb women in their scope. Then the whole idea
of Fatima Mernissi is starting from the effort to find the point of problems faced
by women, and to lift the position of women from patriarchal bias and
misogynism. The issue of women must be considered at this time, women must
rise, using the guarantee of freedom given. With the best, especially showing the
identity of women to become a leader because women are equal to men


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How to Cite

BONITA IZWANY. (2019). REVITALISASI PERAN PEREMPUAN DI WILAYAH PUBLIK MENURUT FATIMA MERNISSI. Jurnal Tahqiqa : Jurnal Ilmiah Pemikiran Hukum Islam, 14(1), 14–40.


