1. Articles received are articles that have never been published in any journal in the form of or are not in the accepted status for publication.
  2. Articles in the form of research results in the field of Sharia Economic Law which include sharia economic law, legal science, Islamic law, and sharia economics that have not been listed.
  3. The article is accompanied by a statement of authenticity from the author stating that the article written is truly his own work and does not contain plagiarism.

Writing system

  1. Articles consist of 5,000 to 8,000 words, typed with space 1 on A4 size paper with Palatino Linotype font size 11 and use a body note. The writings that will be published are in good Indonesian and English.
  2. The composition of the article consists of: Title (Language and English), Author Name, Abstract (Language and English), Keywords (maximum 5), Introduction, Literature Review (if research results), Research Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions/Conclusions, Acknowledgments (optional) and Reference List.
  3. Article Writing Terms:
  • Title: consists of 10-15 words
  • Author's Name: written without a title, accompanied by the name and address of the institution, along with the correspondence email
  • Abstract written in Indonesian and English, consisting of 100-250 words and contains: background (if any), objectives, methods (short), results, and conclusions
  • Keywords are written in Indonesian and English, a maximum of 5 words
  • Introduction: contains the conditions or problems that underlie or inspire the implementation of activities research, data/previous studies that support research from other papers from journals in the last 5 years, write a gap analysis/statement of gaps with previous research, and the last paragraph contains the objective (does not include a theoretical review) that is written explicitly.
  • Research Methods: describes the methods used to solve problems, including types of research, research objects, data collection techniques, and data analysis
  • Results and Discussion: The results explain the findings (what/how) of the processed data in the form of explanations, tables, and images that are easy to understand. While the discussion (why) explains the results obtained by explaining the facts clearly, as well as explaining the existence of conformity and contradiction with the results of other studies which are indicated by the existence of other literature that is able to present research implications, both practically and theoretically.
  • Conclusion: Conclusions must be able to provide answers to the objectives and problems in the research (articles), so the authors must explain clearly and honestly about the data obtained.
  • Reference List: The reference list is written according to the American Psychological Association (APA) 5th model. References are indicated by being up-to-date to justify originality or novelty (last 5 years). Primary literature strives for a minimum of 80% of the primary literature or scientific journals. Authors are recommended to use a reference management application (Mendeley, Zotero, and EndNote).

Privacy Statement

Names and emails entered in this journal are for the purposes of the journals already mentioned and will be kept confidential.