This writing aims to examine the fundamental problems, namely the
notion of buying and selling bai'ul wafa ', and the view of Islamic law on buying
and selling (bai' wafa '). The results of the writing show that the practice of buying
and selling bai'ul wafa ', which is in the community is buying and selling by
means of credit, and the provision is done by paying down and installments every
month when the payment due date, where the company makes it easy for every
consumer for consumers is a major factor to attract buyers to buy products offered
by the company, while from consumers one of them is the needs of customers
who are urgent but not enough money. Furthermore, the view of Islamic law on
buying and selling (bai 'wafa'). Islam allows wafa sale, because the buyer must
fulfill his promise between the seller, this is done in the initial agreement of the
transaction, while this transaction is included in the sale and purchase trust and
mutual trust, because the merchandise that has been purchased becomes a
mandate for the buyer to return to the seller if the seller returns the money, and the
buyer may not sell the item to another person, other than returning it to the seller.
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