Conservation, Legal WisdomAbstract
Indonesia as a sovereign law state guarantees public order by realizing
legal certainty, fairness and the benefits of established legal products. These three
elements must be realized in the implementation and enforcement of law, so that
the authority of the law can be felt by the community in increasing awareness and
law-abiding nature. The principle problem in this study is how to recognize the
protection of human rights which contain the principle of equality before the law
in the life of the community, as well as the quality of legislative legislation in all
aspects. The principle of equal treatment before the law is a vital principle in
guaranteeing and protecting human rights, insofar as rights and obligations are
deemed balanced and regulated by legislation. Law is present as an intermediary
(through a judicial institution) that provides justice for legal subjects who are
violated by their human rights and constitutional rights. This research
recommends several solutive and constitutional steps as an effort to conserve legal
authority, including; the formulation of appropriate legal legislation, minimizing
the rubber article, having legal certainty, fairness, equal treatment before the law,
and effective law.
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