Islamic Law, Mustahiq Economic Empowerment, Productive ZakatAbstract
This scientific paper discusses "Review of Islamic Law on Economic
Empowerment Must Be Productive Zakat in the Baitul Mal of Pidie Jaya
Regency." To examine three fundamental problems, namely: Mechanism of
Productive Zakat Management in Pidie Jaya Baitul Mal, Impact of Distributing
Productive Alms on Mustahik Economic Welfare. and Overview of Islamic Law
Against Management of Productive Alms in Pidie Jaya's Baitul Mal. The research
aims to obtain an overview as mentioned above. Research data obtained in the
field, researchers used several methods, namely field research (Field Research),
using the techniques of observation, interviews, and documentation, and library
research (Library Research). The results showed that the productive management
mechanism of zakat in Baitul Mal Pidie Jaya, is a pattern of zakat management
whereby amil provides zakat funds to mustahik in the form of qardul hasan
financing (interest-free loans), namely: mustahik is to use the loan funds for
business to return some or all of the borrowed funds in a certain period of time.
After the funds are returned to amil, then amil transfers the funds to other
mustahik. The impact of the distribution of Productive Zakat on the economic
welfare of mustahik. With proper empowerment and allocation, zakat will be a
potential source of funds that is used for public welfare for the entire community.
Overview of Islamic Law on the Management of Productive Zakat in the Pidie
Jaya Baitul Mal, is the stage of the process of distributing productive zakat to
mustahik who receive zakat, this can certainly be in line with social values and the
concept of shari'ah economy which emphasizes that funds must not be idle and
must productive.
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