Criminal Responsibility, Minors, Islamic criminal lawAbstract
Islam upholds the public interest compared to personal interests. In other
words, the community must take precedence, not the other way around. Therefore
any criminal act that disturbs order and peace of the people is considered as a
crime against Allah because crime or criminal acts are something that is
prohibited by the Shari'a. In Islamic law, the punishment is given to give a
deterrent effect to my guard to realize not to do it again. What's interesting about
punishment in Islam as a form of healing, practical, economical and accountable.
So in Islamic Law, criminal acts (jarimah) are Syara's bans which are punishable.
The prohibition is also sometimes in the form of an act that is prevented, or leaves
that is told. With the mention of syara 'words, it is intended that the prohibitions
must come from provisions (nasas) syara' and whether or not to do a new act is
considered as jarimah, if it is punishable by it. Because the commandments and
prohibitions come from Syara 'then the commands and prohibitions are only
directed at people who are of sound mind and can understand the imposition
(taklif). Because, in the tradition of Islamic law, the imposition means the call
(khithab), and people who cannot understand, such as animals and inanimate
objects, cannot be the object of the Bible. Therefore a sentence will be applied if it
fulfills the elements set out in Islamic criminal law.
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