
  • Hamdiyah Hamdiyah STIS AL HILAL SIGLI, ACEH



Civilian apparatus of state that have integrity, professional, neutral and
free from political intervention, clean from corruption practice, collusion and
nepotism, and able to organize public service for society, among others, can be
realized if ASN have high discipline in the implementation of the main task and
its function -day. Therefore, the Government has set the legal basis for
disciplinary enforcement for the ASN through Government Regulation Number
53 of 2010 on Civil Service Discipline. However, in practice within the Regional
Secretariat of Pidie District, there are ASNs who have been sentenced to
disciplinary discipline either mild, moderate or severe disciplinary punishment in
accordance with the severity of the offense. However, on the other side it turns out
that the leadership of the Regional Secretariat of Pidie Regency is too careful in
applying punishment against ASN that violates the discipline, besides giving less
reward to the disciplined ASN in performing daily tasks. This research is a
development in the field of science and technology in the realm of legal science
because research aims to reveal the truth or at least approach the truth that is made
systematically, methodologically and logically. Therefore, in the writing of this
thesis, juridical normative and empirical sociological research is used. Where
normative juridical research is research conducted by researching library materials
or better known as secondary data such as books, legislation or other reading
material related to the discussion. While empirical sociological research is
research conducted by researching into the field by conducting interviews or
better known as primary data. In the Regional Secretariat of Pidie District, the
application of discipline to ASN is done by apple every Monday morning, attendance by using fingerprint attendance machine (finger print), sudden
inspection (sidak) to room section in certain time, and disciplinary punishment.
The application of the discipline has not been optimal yet, as the rightful officer is
too careful to impose disciplinary punishment. The obstacles faced by the
Regional Secretariat of Pidie Regency in the application of the discipline to ASN
in its ranks include many ASNs that take the banking credit, the Regional
Secretariat has not been able to improve the welfare of ASN, the weak supervision
of the direct superior, the occurrence of exemplary crisis among ASN itself, and
the work pattern ASN that is not in accordance with the spirit of transparency. The
legal arrangement on ASN discipline is sufficiently clear to be regulated in the
applicable legislation, but in its implementation it is not necessarily able to run
well because there are obstacles faced by authorized officials in handling the
problem of ASN discipline. It is suggested to the leadership officers in the ranks
of Pidie District Secretariat to pay attention to the ability of loan repayment by ASN when applying for credit and must be known by the leader, many ASN can
no longer keep the work discipline because its monthly income is tied to bank
credit which is relatively easy to be taken by ASN from a government bank. The
policy of the leaders of the Pidie District Secretariat who decided to underscore
the less disciplined ASN after receiving several warnings should be continued for
the next period. It requires firmness or consistency in disciplinary enforcement
against anyone who violates the discipline of ASN by disciplining punishment
(punishment) in accordance with the level of error. On the other hand, there must
also be reward to ASN achievers.


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