Benefits, Procedures, constraints on IPR registrationAbstract
The benefit of registering Intellectual Property of an Brand Intellectual
Work is essential to protect our creative assets. The indifference in the
maintenance of Intellectual Property may lead to remorse especially when the
Brand Work is becoming widely known, protecting the trademark of the
Intellectual Property right from the acknowledgment of others. For the
implementation of registration of Intellectual Property, process / procedure is
required, such as applying after completion of all required requirements. In
addition to these conditions, which is not less important is that each registration is
charged differently depending on what he enrolled. The process / procedure is set
in different laws and regulations depending on the registration of what you want
done, eg Copyright, Brand and others. Obstacles encountered in the field, no
registration, especially patents, between the costs and benefits obtained less
comparable. The relatively large cost is spent while the economic value obtained
is still small for now.
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