(Analisis Perspektif Ekonomi Islam)
Wages, Mulieng Crackers, Islamic Ekonomic PerspectiveAbstract
This research aims to examine how the system of hired mulieng cracker business
workers in Pidie Regency as well as the islamic economic review related to it. To
that end, the author conducted interviews with mulieng cracker workers and
entrepreneurs. The writing of this thesis uses a descriptive method of analysis, and
the results of the data obtained are qualitatively analyzed. The results showed that
the wage system for workers based on habits that have been in force since hereditary
in the area, where employers provide workers wages ranging from Rp. 12,000 to
17000 per bamboo. The wage system applied by employers to their workers is not
all in accordance with the wage system in the view of the Islamic economy, because
it has not been able to meet the needs of their daily lives. Whereas Islam has
regulated the wage system using three principles, namely the principle of justice, the
principle of worthiness and the principle of virtue. Therefore, it can be concluded
that the system of hired workers of mulieng cracker business workers has not fulfilled
the principles of feasibility and virtue well. However, the authors suggest that the
government continues to work to increase concern for mulieng cracker workers,
especially arrangements on fair and adequate workers' wages, so as not to harm
both employers and workers..
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