(Ditinjau Menurut Hukum Islam)




Tadlis, Jual Beli, Hukum Islam


Every person in maintaining his life a variety of activities carried out, one of which is
very common activities they do is buying and selling. Sale and purchase contained in
the community are very diverse in types, in the practice of buying and selling, each
seller always puts forward the maximum profit, a variety of ways they do. One trait
that is not praiseworthy about the seller is Tadlis. Tadlis is Hiding the defect of an
item that one party (the seller) knows about, but does not inform the buyer. In trade
the occurrence of exchange of interests as profit without doing unauthorized emphasis
or acts of fraud against other groups. This is strictly prohibited in Islam because it
contains an element of deception. Tadlis practice in buying and selling that occurs in
the sale of goods does not explain in detail related to the condition of the goods,
whether the goods are still good or not, besides that some buyers do not know the
quality or quantity of goods, in the sale of fish/meat there is a mixing of fish/meat
between qualities good and bad found in fish/meat piled up by traders as bad fish/meat
is placed under fresh meat. Therefore, business practices carried out by someone by
hiding information on buying and selling transactions (transactions that contain
something that is not known by one party). Factors of occurrence of Tadlis in the sale
of fish/meat in Pidie Market, Pidie Regency is profit factor, between sellers and buyers
not doing khiyar during the sale and purchase transaction, there is no agreement
between the seller and buyer, environmental factors, customs factors, economic
factors, internal factors, and external factors.


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How to Cite

Syazali, H. (2020). TADLIS DALAM JUAL BELI : (Ditinjau Menurut Hukum Islam). Jurnal Tahqiqa : Jurnal Ilmiah Pemikiran Hukum Islam, 14(2), 154–166. Retrieved from https://jurnal.stisalhilalsigli.ac.id/index.php/tahqiqa/article/view/258


