Praktek Pembayaran Angsuran Kredit Jual Beli Sepeda Motor
Credit installments, Selling, Islamic LawAbstract
Credit installments are installments that are deferred payments or
payments on a pending basis, by providing installments in certain
amounts for a certain amount of time, the price is more expensive
than the cash price. This study aims to determine the practice of
paying installments for motorcycle buying and selling loans at PT.
Mandala Sigli. This type of research is field research using
descriptive methods of analysis. The data collection uses
observation, interview, and observation techniques. The results of the
study showed the practice of paying installments for motorcycle
buying and selling loans at PT. Mandala Sigli is carried out with a
daily payment technique in accordance with the agreement, the
length of installments determines the length of payment, and the
benefits obtained by the company will be different. Installment
payment of motorcycle buying and selling credit at PT. Mandala Sigli
according to the view of Islamic law is not appropriate, this is
because there is an element of fine in case of delay which is forbidden
in Islam, and is included in the riba jahiliyah (usury nasi'ah), which
is an addition to the debt that arises due to the delay factor
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