Jurnal Tahqiqa : Jurnal Ilmiah Pemikiran Hukum Islam https://jurnal.stisalhilalsigli.ac.id/index.php/tahqiqa <p align="justify"><strong>Tahqiqa: Jurnal Ilmiah Pemikiran Hukum Islam </strong>(P-ISSN: <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1180425124">1978-4945</a> E-ISSN: <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/20210916051564934">2828-4372</a>) is published by Islamic family law and islamic criminal law study program at STI Syariah Al-Hilal Sigli, Pidie. This journal is dedicated to the publication of scientific articles in the fields of <span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Islamic Family Law and Islamic criminal law.</span></p> Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Syariah Al-Hilal Sigli Aceh- Indonesia en-US Jurnal Tahqiqa : Jurnal Ilmiah Pemikiran Hukum Islam 1978-4945 MAKNA PENCATATAN PERKAWINAN PADA PERATURAN PERUNDANG-UNDANGAN DITINJAU MENURUT HUKUM ISLAM https://jurnal.stisalhilalsigli.ac.id/index.php/tahqiqa/article/view/221 <p><em>This research is motivated by invalidity</em> <em>unregistered marriage</em> <em>based on</em> <em>Positive </em><em>law and Islamic law. In Islamic law </em><em>marriage registration</em> <em>is condicio sine quanon is istinbath of Islamic law. </em><em>Marriages that are not registered according to the regulations of Islamic law for </em><em>condicio sine quanon</em> <em>for marriage registration</em> <em>be a contradictory matter</em> <em>what happens in practice</em> <em>wedding in the middle of public.</em> <em>This study aims to determine</em> <em>The mean a </em><em>recording</em> <em>of marriage </em><em>In istinbath of islamic law </em><em>and want to know in mean of recording of marriage in islamic law And want to know the mean of recording of marriage in an effort to realize goals</em><em> Maslahah </em><em>which is on public. This research uses</em> <em>qualitative approach with </em><em>library research. </em><em>The research results show abouth the recording of marriage is </em><em>condicio sine quanon in istinbath of Islamic law and meaning of recording of marriage in Islamic law is</em><em> as evidence</em> <em>next to the witnes.</em> <em>The mean of recording of marriage </em><em>in an effort to realize goals</em> <em>Maslahah </em><em>which is on public as </em><em>Maslahah Daruriyyah</em> <em>like a guard that must be maintained</em><em> Is </em><em>ad-Din, an-Nafs, al-‘Aql, an-Nasab wa al-Mal.</em></p> adrianto Copyright (c) 2024 adrianto https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-07-30 2024-07-30 18 2 1 14 10.61393/tahqiqa.v18i2.221 HAK DAN KEWAJIBAN ANAK ANGKAT https://jurnal.stisalhilalsigli.ac.id/index.php/tahqiqa/article/view/238 <p><em>Islamic law prohibits the practice of adopting children which has juridical implications such as adoption which is known by western law/secular law and the practice of jahiliyah society: namely adoption which makes adopted children become biological children, adopted children are cut off from legal relations with their biological parents, adopted children have Inheritance rights are the same as the inheritance rights of biological children, adoptive parents become absolute guardians of adopted children. Islamic law only recognizes adoption in the sense of transferring the obligation to provide daily living, education, care and so on, in the context of worshiping Allah.</em></p> Fajarwati Copyright (c) 2024 Fajarwati https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-07-30 2024-07-30 18 2 15 32 10.61393/tahqiqa.v18i2.238 Kasus Ikhtilath di Kabupaten Pidie: Tinjauan Terhadap Strategi Penyelesaian https://jurnal.stisalhilalsigli.ac.id/index.php/tahqiqa/article/view/224 <p><em>The research method used to understand the mechanism of resolving cases of ikhtilath in Pidie District is qualitative research with direct data collection in the field. The results of the research show that cases of ikhtilath are not directly handled by the local village or sub-district authorities, but are handed over to the competent authorities because the perpetrators of ikhtilath often come from outside the area. This is done to ensure that the cases are resolved in accordance with the law and to deter the perpetrators and other members of the community. The mechanism for resolving cases of ikhtilath in Pidie District involves a legal process according to Qanun No. 6 of 2014. This process involves several parties, such as investigators, prosecutors, judges, and witnesses at the scene. Despite challenges such as limited resources and minimal budget, efforts are made to prevent ikhtilath through tighter security, family supervision, and community outreach. The sanctions imposed on perpetrators of ikhtilath are in accordance with existing regulations, but the lack of community participation in prevention and the shortage of PPNS investigators are inhibiting factors in handling these cases.</em></p> Hamdiyah Copyright (c) 2024 Hamdiyah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-07-30 2024-07-30 18 2 33 39 10.61393/tahqiqa.v18i2.224 ANALISIS PEMANFAATAN ASET NEGARA TANPA IZIN MENURUT PANDANGAN HUKUM ISLAM https://jurnal.stisalhilalsigli.ac.id/index.php/tahqiqa/article/view/235 <p><em>This research was conductes to see how state are used without permission according to the view of islamic law, with the research location at a souvenir kiosk in the Sigli City area hereby to see what factors cause&nbsp; the use of state assets without permission,as well as what is the view according to islamic law regarding the use of state facilities without permissiin in the Sigli City area. The method used is to collect sources, namely, library research an using the field research method.this model can explain the use of state assets without permission according to Islamic law, of caourse it is not recommended in Islam, but due to the economic crisis and the lack of employment in Pidie Regency, the community sees the opportunities that exist, but this is also not justified therefore </em><em>"That’s why the governmnet muct think about what should be done for the benefit of spciety in creating a productive society and implementing a state asset management system that is in accordance with state regulations and sharia provisions.."</em></p> Lisa Nansadiqa Copyright (c) 2024 Lisa Nansadiqa https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-07-30 2024-07-30 18 2 40 56 10.61393/tahqiqa.v18i2.235 PENYALURAN ZAKAT SECARA LANGSUNG KEPADA MUSTAHIK https://jurnal.stisalhilalsigli.ac.id/index.php/tahqiqa/article/view/239 <p><em>This study aims to determine the distribution of zakat directly to mustahik. The research method used is qualitative method, in obtaining data using library research method, by collecting data through literature. The results of this study show that zakat is a pillar of Islam that has two dimensions, worship and social, the collection, management and distribution of zakat are carried out by official institutions that have been established by the government. The distribution of zakat by unjust rulers is valid, according to the opinion of some scholars. Amil is an officer who takes, manages and distributes zakat to mustahik zakat which has been determined in the text of the Qur'an and hadith. </em></p> Muhammad Muhammad Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Muhammad https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-07-30 2024-07-30 18 2 57 63 10.61393/tahqiqa.v18i2.239 MELAMPAUI BATAS: TINJAUAN TENTANG LESBIANISME DAN HOMOSEKSUALITAS https://jurnal.stisalhilalsigli.ac.id/index.php/tahqiqa/article/view/217 <p>Penelitian ini membahas lesbianisme dan homoseksualitas, terutama dalam konteks agama Islam. Lesbianisme merujuk pada orientasi seksual perempuan terhadap sesama perempuan, dan homoseksualitas mencakup ketertarikan seksual terhadap jenis kelamin yang sama. Dalam konteks agama Islam, lesbianisme disebut "al-sihaq" dan dianggap sebagai perbuatan yang melanggar norma agama. Penelitian ini juga membahas karakteristik lesbian seperti Butch, Femme, dan Andro.Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi seseorang menjadi pelaku lesbian mencakup latar belakang keluarga, pengaruh teman, dan pengalaman traumatik terhadap laki-laki. Pelaku lesbian seringkali menyembunyikan orientasi seksual mereka dari lingkungan sosial dan menghadapi konsekuensi dari pilihan hidup mereka. Homoseksualitas juga dibahas dengan merinci pandangan agama Islam terhadap praktik ini dan dampak negatif yang mungkin terjadi. Dampak dari lesbianisme dan homoseksualitas dapat mencakup gangguan kesehatan, termasuk penyebaran penyakit menular seksual seperti HIV/AIDS, dampak psikologis seperti depresi, serta dampak moral dan sosial seperti merusak konsep keluarga dan masyarakat. Islam menetapkan hukuman bagi pelaku homoseksual dan lesbian, yang bisa mencakup hukuman mati atau hukuman rajam.</p> nurul wahyuni Abdi Anugrah Rahmat Syawal Kurniati Kurniati Copyright (c) 2024 nurul wahyuni, Abdi Anugrah, Rahmat Syawal, Kurniati Kurniati https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-07-30 2024-07-30 18 2 64 75 10.61393/tahqiqa.v18i2.217 KEDUDUKAN FATWA ULAMA DALAM SISTEM HUKUM NASIONAL DI INDONESIA https://jurnal.stisalhilalsigli.ac.id/index.php/tahqiqa/article/view/245 <p>Islamic economics was born simultaneously with the birth of the teachings of Islam itself starting from the Prophet Muhammad SAW became an apostle. Economic activity in Islam is also considered as an activity that aims to serve oneself to Allah SWT. Therefore, its principles and characteristics are in line with the main guidelines of Muslims, namely the Qur'an and Hadith. The principles and characteristics of Islamic economics are formulated in such a way that the realization of happiness, peace, comfort and justice for economic actors without neglecting the right to develop themselves. The main goal of Islamic economics is to achieve <em>Falah</em> or the fulfillment of needs and the creation of prosperity so as to give birth to happiness in the world and happiness in the Hereafter.</p> Rahmad Rahmad Copyright (c) 2024 Rahmad Rahmad https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-07-30 2024-07-30 18 2 76 87 10.61393/tahqiqa.v18i2.245 Menggadaikan Kembali Tanah Gadai https://jurnal.stisalhilalsigli.ac.id/index.php/tahqiqa/article/view/228 <p><em>This research discusses the practice of re-mortgaging pawned land according to Islamic law and positive law in Simpang Tiga District. This study is a type of qualitative research using field research and library research methods. The results of the research show that the practice of re-mortgaging land in Simpang Tiga District is common, especially when the land owner needs money urgently, but the land owner has not been able to pay off the loan, so the pawner pawns the land to another party without prior notification. first to the land owner because the agreement mechanism tends to be done verbally, which can cause risk and confusion. According to Islamic law, it is largely in accordance with the principles of Islamic law, especially because it is carried out on the basis of mutual assistance in society and in urgent situations. However, there are some issues to be aware of. One of them is re-mortgaging land without the land owner's permission, which may violate the principle of the validity of pawn transactions. The principles of Islamic law, such as agreements, rights and obligations, and collateral management, should be taken into account in implementing pawning practices. And positive law is permissible (legal), the pawn right can be transferred by the pledgor to another party with or without the land owner's consent, based on the regulations on the transfer of land use rights with reference to Article 37 paragraph (1) of Government Regulation no. 24 since 1997.</em></p> Wahyudi Wahyudi Mariana Mariana Copyright (c) 2024 Wahyudi Wahyudi, Mariana Mariana https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-07-30 2024-07-30 18 2 88 97 10.61393/tahqiqa.v18i2.228 PENGELOLAAN DANA PENGEMBANGAN USAHA AGRIBISNIS PERDESAAN (PUAP) https://jurnal.stisalhilalsigli.ac.id/index.php/tahqiqa/article/view/265 <p><em>This research aims to find out the procedures for managing Rural Agribusiness Development (PUAP) funds, the obstacles in managing them and a review of Islamic law related to managing these funds. The research method used is a qualitative method. This type of research is field research using data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation review. </em><em>The results of the research show that the Rural Agribusiness Development (PUAP) funds are managed by lending a certain amount of funds to farmer groups who are members of the PUAP group which are used for their farming needs to buy fertilizer, seeds and so on. The payment is more as a service of 10% of the loan principal as regulated in the PUAP provisions. In the management process, there were several obstacles faced by the administrators, including that there were some borrowers who did not pay on time, which made the cash condition of PUAP funds become congested and financial turnover became a little slow. And ultimately finances become limited and make farmers who have large areas of land unable to take out loans according to the size of their land. As well as crop failures which make farmers who take out loans unable to pay off their loans. Islamic law perspective, its management is still not in accordance with Islamic law.</em></p> Muhammad Mustajab Cut Rahmi Izzati Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Mustajab, Cut Rahmi Izzati https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-07-30 2024-07-30 18 2 98 112 TRANSFORMASI HARTA WAKAF: MEWUJUDKAN KEMAKMURAN MASJID MELALUI PENDEKATAN MASLAHAH https://jurnal.stisalhilalsigli.ac.id/index.php/tahqiqa/article/view/271 <p><em>This study aims to understand the methods of popularizing waqf in Pidie Regency and analyze the practice of material waqf for mosque construction according to Islamic law. The research also identifies effective waqf socialization methods and explores whether construction materials such as cement and bricks can be accepted as waqf objects under Islamic law. The study was conducted at mosques in Pidie Regency, using a qualitative descriptive research method. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and documentation, with data analysis using a juridical-sociological approach. The results of the study show that the management of waqf assets in Pidie Regency is in accordance with Islamic principles and government regulations. However, there are still challenges related to administrative transparency and public involvement in deliberations. To improve management, training for nazir, strengthening the administrative system, and increasing government involvement in supervision are necessary. The productive use of waqf assets is expected to enhance community welfare and the prosperity of mosques, providing sustainable benefits in line with the Islamic principle of continuous charity (sadaqah jariyah).</em></p> Taufik Hidayat Harahap Copyright (c) 2024 Taufik Hidayat Harahap https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 18 2