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Jurdimas Alkhidmah: Journal of Community Service, published by the Center for Research and Community Service STI Syariah Al-Hilal Sigli. Alkhidmah Journal is published twice a year, namely January and July which discusses the practice and process of community service. This journal provides a forum for academics and practitioners to explore issues and reflect on practices related to community service services. Alkhidmah Journal is a journal dedicated to the publication of high quality community service articles that focus on implementing community service services.
The mission of the Alkhidmah Journal is to become a leading peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal to advance theory and practice related to all forms of community service, especially in the fields of Law, Economics and Education.
Lembaga Penelitan dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M), STI Syariah AL-Hilal SIgli, Pidie, Aceh, Indonesia.
Sekretariat : Gedung A Kampus Al-Hilal Sigli. Jalan Lingkar Keniree, Kecamatan Pidie, Kabupaten Pidie, Aceh. Kode Pos. 24151
Contact : Zahrina
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