Empowerment, Productive Economic Enterprises, IncomeAbstract
Productive Economic Businesses are able to increase and strengthen the basis of the economic life of most people, because the presence of UEP will provide jobs while increasing income for the community which will further reduce the excess and poverty level of an area. Bireuen Regency as one of the districts in Aceh province which is known as the city of students also utilizes UEP for its developers with the aim of increasing income. The existence of this Productive Economic Enterprises forum is expected to be a place to develop oneself, expertise, and add skills in various matters and expand association. The results obtained show that productive economic enterprises have a positive effect on buyers at the Bireuen Islamic boarding school, meaning that the UEP must continue to be empowered to meet the lifelong expectations of society in general, and Islamic boarding schools in particular. From these results it can be concluded that the UEP program can increase voter voting at Islamic boarding schools in the city of Bireuen. The program in the future will not only be carried out in Islamic boarding schools, it is hoped that it will also be carried out and implemented by the wider community.
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