Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), Availability, Performance Efficiency, Rate of Quality ProductAbstract
In today's modern industry, quality is a priority for all companies in the world. PT X in Gorontalo, which produces dried corn, is one of the companies that is able to penetrate foreign markets, reliable and successful achieved so far cannot be separated from the strength of good quality. In practice, the quality of an item or product is also determined by its technical level, so that the efficiency of existing machines must be improved as much as possible. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is a method of measuring the effectiveness of the use of a machine/equipment by calculating machine availability, performance and quality of products produced. Calculation of the Six Big Losses is done to find out the losses that cause the low value of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). From the results of research conducted from January 2023-October 2023, the highest percentage of availability value was 99.24% and the lowest was. 88.48%, the highest percentage of performance efficiency value is 83% and the lowest is 67% while the percentage of rate of quality product value is 97% and the average Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) value generated in 2023 January-October is 70.10%.
Dalam industri modern saat ini, kualitas menjadi prioritas bagi semua perusahaan di dunia. PT. X di Gorontalo yang memproduksi jagung kering merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang mampu menembus pasar luar negeri, handal dan kesuksesan yang diraih selama ini tidak lepas dari kekuatan kualitas yang baik. Dalam prakteknya mutu suatu barang atau produk juga ditentukan oleh tingkat tekniknya, sehingga efisiensi mesin-mesin yang ada harus ditingkatkan semaksimal mungkin. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) adalah metode pengukuran tingkat efektivitas pemakaian suatu mesin/peralatan dengan menghitung ketersediaan mesin, kinerja dan kualitas produk yang dihasilkan. Perhitungan terhadap Six Big Losses dilakukan untuk mengetahui kerugian-kerugian yang menyebabkan rendahnya nilai Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dari bulan Januari 2023-Oktober 2023 mencapai persentase tertinggi dari nilai availability yaitu 99,24% dan terendah yaitu. 88,48%, persentase nilai performance efficiency tertinggi yaitu 83% dan yang terendah yaitu 67% sedangkan persentase nilai rate of quality product yaitu 97% dan rata-rata nilai Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) yang dihasilkan pada tahun 2023 bulan Januari-Oktober adalah 70,10%.
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